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Neighbourhood News

Highbury Interceptor_edited.jpg



The Vancouver Plan identified 25 "future villages" where there are some shops and services. The goal is for these to grow into vibrant neighbourhoods with "missing middle" housing up to 6 storeys & new opportunities for shops & services within a short walk or bike ride. 


Those near West Southlands are called West villages, shown on this map. To participate in the planning process, there is an opportunity to submit your thoughts in a survey before January 3, 2025.  




Mary Tataryn is retiring from her role as Co-Chair of the West Southlands Residents Association. We have all benefitted from her tireless advocacy over the last 20 years. She has made our community a better place. 




The Highbury Interceptor sewer main runs through Musqueam Park; we walk on top of it along the trail that goes from the bottom of Alma down to the River. 


Recently, some residents have noticed a sewage stink coming from the Interceptor Air Management Building (photo above). MetroVancouver is responsible for the building and indicated that our observations are helpful and asked that we register them on the following website or by phoning 604-436-6777.​​




2024 Annual Meeting Notes

2023 Annual Meeting Notes

2022 Annual Meeting Notes

2021 Annual Meeting Notes



2024 December Newsletter

2024 Jan Newsletter

2023 Feb Newsletter

2022 Dec Newsletter ( ç®€è®¯ä¸­æ–‡ )

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2022 August Newsletter ( ç®€è®¯ä¸­æ–‡ )

2022 May Newsletter

2021 Dec Newsletter ( ç®€è®¯ä¸­æ–‡ )

2021 May Newsletter

2020 Sept Newsletter


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The Highbury Interceptor takes Vancouver sewage to the 60-year-old Iona Treatment Plant on the south side of the Fraser. Work is underway on a $10-billion upgrade of the plant from primary to tertiary treatment.


Barges may be used to haul away dirt during construction; they would replace 250-500 dump truck trips/day. Four barge berth sites are being studied.






The bridge along the 48th Avenue path near Crown has been replaced and is looking very heavy duty!​​​




In June 2023, the City made 51st Avenue safer by lowering its speed limit to 30 km/h, installing speed humps, and repainting the crosswalk at the Wallace Trail.


We are still advocating for the speed limit to be reduced to 30 km/h everywhere in the neighbourhood. City Council passed a motion in winter 2024 asking staff to look at 30 km/h speed limits along all neighbourhood streets.​​​




The sanitary sewer pump on the north side of 49th Avenue west of Dunbar, mid-block will be replaced in the upcoming winter. The north ditch on that block will be repaired at the same time.

  • Inspections of the area catch-basins were completed earlier this year. 

  • The tide gates at the foots of Blenheim, Carrington and Dunbar were replaced or refurbished in the last 2 years. The tide gate at McLeery will be replaced in 1-2 years. The City monitors the tide gates weekly. 

  • Ditch maintenance was done. 

  • The City will monitor weather & tides throughout the winter. 

  • Pumps have been placed at the Wallace ditch & at Celtic and Carrington for the winter.


The newsletter is posted also in Chinese, translated by director Cynthia Fung.


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