West Southlands Residents Association

Our Resident Photographer
Artist's Statement
Educated as an anthropologist and architect, I frequently used photography in my work. As a dedicated black & white photographer I have, of late, become interested in exploring scenes where colour plays a subtle and contributory role in the image. For several decades now my images have seemed to skirt around neat categories.
Of primary interest is the natural and man-made landscape which covers just about everything including 'still life', the 'accidental', the 'derelict', the 'decaying', the 'abstract'. While not looking for the typical or pretty 'shot' I am at times struck by the beauty and play of colour in Nature all the while looking for unusual juxtapositions of form, shape and line.
The images shown here were taken since moving to West Southlands in the mid-90s. Walks through Musqueam Park, the wetlands, along the Fraser River and into Southlands have given me more than enough subject matter to ponder.
Steve Hodder
November 2021